By Abdul Qadir Qureshi
(Pakistan News & Features Services)
(Pakistan News & Features Services)
The final semester examinations of Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology (SSUET), Karachi, have commenced here November 28.

Some 1541 out of 1711 registered students are appearing in the final semester exams being held simultaneously along with second, fourth and sixth semesters in Computer, Electronics, Civil, Bio-Medical, Telecommunication engineering and Computer Science.
As far as the break-up is concerned, 318 are appearing in Computer Engineering, 350 in Electronics, 141 in Telecom, 366 in Civil, 126 in Bio-Medical engineering and 240 in Computer Science.
Registrar Shah Mahmood Hussain Syed briefed to the Chancellor that the examinations will conclude on December 11 to be followed supplementary examination due to start from December 13.
The Vice-Chancellor confirmed that the classes in the New Year will start from January 7, 2013 following holding of ‘Orientation Day’ the same day.
He said that the arrangements have also started for holding of ‘Convocation 2013’ to award degrees to passing out students.
It would be the 16th Convocation since the SSUET came into being as a private sector engineering university in 1994.
Currently the University has over 5000 students on roll including over 600 girls studying in various engineering disciplines.
The University has been granted the highest “W4” Category by Higher Education Commission and also registered as 5-Star University by the Sindh Government’s Charter Evaluation Committee.