By Abdul Qadir Qureshi
(Pakistan News & Features Services)
While complimenting the Federal Climate Change and Foreign Ministries have made a visible impact internationally to keep Pakistan flag flying high, Senator Nisar Memon, a former federal minister, has noted that the challenges for even these two ministries remained enormous.
“The leadership of these ministries so far has met the challenge commendably by conceiving, launching and implementing policies and programmess to bring desired results,” he wrote in a recent newspaper article.
“The number of productive foreign visits and representation of both the foreign minister and minister/advisor on climate change on the international bodies speak for itself the personal recognition of our representatives and the country,” he added.
“The programme of the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, in Pakistan last month and his statements have put a seal of global approval on Pakistan’s policy of peace in the region and our response to climate change brought about by the developed economies in increasing temperature causing disasters like: melting of glaciers, floods, droughts, rising sea levels,” the Senator acknowledged.
“The UN Secretary General recognized Pakistan’s decades of outstanding generosity and solidarity as one of the world’s largest hosts of refugees, and highlighted its commitment to climate action,” he recalled.
“Our policy of opening up the Kartarpur corridor to facilitate Sikh pilgrims to visit Gurdwara durbar sahib and easing the tension on border towards increasing the interfaith harmony is appreciated by all including the Indian government and opposition politicians, the Indian diaspora in western world and the citizen of India,” he reckoned.
“The efforts and successes of foreign office are remarkably backed up by our defence force working with Blue Helmet under UN flag, in the conflict areas of the world at cost of their lives, contributing to global peace Pakistan is the 6th country in UN list with its 5,093 personnel currently working in peacekeeping,” Senator Nisar Memon mentioned.
“Following the guidelines of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, our objective should be peace within and peace without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial and friendly relations without immediate neighbours and with world at large, we have no aggressive designs against anyone. We stand by the United Nations charter and will gladly make our contribution to the peace and prosperity of the world. This was, is and should be guideline for our foreign policy,” he observed.

(Pakistan News & Features Services)
While complimenting the Federal Climate Change and Foreign Ministries have made a visible impact internationally to keep Pakistan flag flying high, Senator Nisar Memon, a former federal minister, has noted that the challenges for even these two ministries remained enormous.
“The leadership of these ministries so far has met the challenge commendably by conceiving, launching and implementing policies and programmess to bring desired results,” he wrote in a recent newspaper article.