
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Dewan Motors launch electric cars in a glorious ceremony

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi 

(Pakistan News and Features Services)

Way is paved for assembling and later gradual manufacturing of electric cars and bikes in Pakistan with the launching of electric cars by the Dewan Motors Limited (DML), a reputed name in the automobile sector, at a glorious launch ceremony at the Convention Centre of DHA Golf Club on June 4. 

The Chairman of Senate, Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, also a former Prime Minister, was the guest of honour as hundreds of participants from various walks of life celebrated another remarkable achievement by Pakistan. 

Speaking on the occasion, he acknowledged and applauded the ground breaking initiative undertaken by the Yousuf Dewan Companies (YDC) in the automotive sector. 

“The establishment of a state-of-the-art vehicle assembly plant equipped with cutting-edge robotics technology, signifies the strength and capabilities of the company,” he remarked. 

He was confident that, based on its reputation and track record, the YDC will not only meet but exceed the expectations, paving the way for Pakistan to become a major player in the global automotive market. 

The Senate Chairman extended his support for the ecosystem being incorporated into the automotive industry, particularly the emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. 

“As we move towards a greener future, it is imperative that we prioritize eco-friendly practices and technologies,” he emphasized. 

He described the YDC’s commitment to this cause as commendable and sets a positive example for other industries to follow. 

“Indeed, the year 2024 marks the beginning of a new era in the automotive industry we applaud Chairman Dewan Yousuf and the YDC for taking the first bold step into this future,” he complimented. 

Earlier in his welcome address, Dewan Muhammad Yousuf Farooqui announced the YDC collaboration with KIA of Korea and HORNI of China, two of the global leaders in the automotive and technology sectors respectively. 

“This partnership makes a significant milestone in our quest to revolutionize the automotive landscape and pave the way for a sustainable eco-friendly future. We are on the cusp of a transformative journey, one that will not only redefine Pakistan’s automotive industry but also prosper our nation towards a brighter and more sustainable future with the vision of an electric Pakistan-a Pakistan where innovation thrives, where economic growth is fueled by sustainable practices and where we lead the charge towards a greener tomorrow,” he elaborated. 

Dewan Yousuf stated that in the coming years, Pakistan will not only witness the assembly of small electric cars but also emerge as a key player in the global electric vehicle market. 

“We are laying the groundwork for a robust infrastructure that will support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles across the country. This includes the establishment of charging stations in strategically positioned throughout Pakistan. 

Dewan Yousuf shared that the YDC was building an entire ecosystem, from production to consumption with sustainability at its core. 

“We envision Pakistan as a hub for battery manufacturing, leveraging our resources and expertise to produce cutting-edge battery technology. This will not only reduce our reliance on imports but also create employment opportunities and foster technological innovation within our borders,” he hoped. 

He mentioned that first step towards the goal had already been taken by renewing their partnership with KIA and commencing the assembly of the Horni in Pakistan. Earlier the Senior Vice-President of KIA Corporation, IK Tae Kim, and Consul General of Korea, Yi Sung Ho, also spoke at length on the occasion. 

The memorable ceremony was largely attended by Ambassadors, Consul Generals, and dignitaries from financial institutions and stock exchange besides the movers and shakers from various sectors of automotive sector. 

On this occasion, two agreements were also signed for manufacturing batteries for electric cars and establishment of charging stations in Pakistan. 

Dewan Motors has launched Honri Ve, its first small electric vehicle (EV) with the collaboration of Eco-Green Motors Limited. The vehicle was revealed during the ceremony and the guests were allowed to inspect its different features.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Ceremony of Konpal Internship program held in Karachi

Last session and concluding ceremony of Konpal Internship program was held on 23rd Sept 2023 at Konpal office .Twelve nursing students of ziauddin and KU attended the program. They presented the survey results of their last assignment and shared their recommendations for the Community of Musa colony.

The program ended with the certificate distribution. Students highly appreciated the Internship program and volunteered to participate in any future activities of Konpal. Dr Pamela Marshall Dean ZSN thanked Prof Aisha Mehnaz, Ms Shahnaz Yasin , Mr Adil and konpal team for taking this initiative.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Sindh CM, bigwigs laud Barrister Sarah’s cultural diplomacy paintings

By Abdul Qadir Qureshi
(Pakistan News & Features Services)

Barrister Sarah Asim Khan’s creativity earned more accolades as her second Art Exhibition, in collaboration with the Consulate of Italy in Karachi, turned out to be another success story. The admiration of guests for her artwork also encouraged women empowerment. 

The recent exhibition was aligned with the celebration dinner of Italian National Day at the Hotel Avari Towers in Karachi, hosted and organized by the Consulate of Italy in Karachi under the leadership of Consul General of Italy, Danilo Giurdanella. 

The Chief Minister of Sindh, Syed Murad Ali Shah, was the chief guest on the occasion and he graciously endorsed Sarah’s cultural diplomacy paintings pertaining to different countries. 

The Acting Governor of Sindh, Agha Siraj Durrani, Sindh Minister for Health, Azra Pechuho, Rear Admiral Mian Zakirullah Jan, Commander Karachi, Rear Admiral Salman Ilyas, MD Shipyard & EW, Sector Commander Rizwan, Iqbal Memon, Commissioner Karachi, Faisal Edhi, Chairman, Abdul Sattar Edhi Foundation, and Ahmed Shah, President, Arts Council of Pakistan, were also present on the occasion along with diplomats and dignitaries from Britain, United States of America, Kuwait, Germany, Indonesia and various other countries. 

Barrister Sarah is acclaimed as the pioneer of cultural diplomacy and international mythological art in Pakistan. She has created paintings for 30 countries during the last couple of years which were displayed at the event. 

She created one of the paintings for the Consulate of Italy to promote friendship, trade and harmony between the countries which is titled ‘Italy and Pakistan Solidarity Beyond the Borders’ and it is displayed at the Consulate of Italy in Karachi. 

Another of her painting, which pertains to wildlife, is displayed in the office of Deputy Consul of Italy, Enrico Alfonso Ricciardi, also at the Consulate of Italy in Karachi. The diplomat had mentioned and praised Sarah’s paintings during his speech at Italian National Day. 

A lawyer by profession with varied experience in the UK and Pakistan, having diverse extracurricular interests in art, wildlife, hiking, travelling and social work, Barrister Sarah has emerged on the horizon as one of the most versatile young leaders. 

She attained her entire legal education at the University of London, including Bachelor of Laws, Masters in Corporate and Commercial Laws from Queen Mary College and a qualification in Intellectual Property Law and Policy from the London School of Economics & Political Science. 

Upon being called to the Bar at the Society of Lincoln’s Inn, she underwent Pupillage with a Chamber at King’s Bench Walk, London, and acclaimed eligibility to practice as a Barrister in the UK. She remains active in the legal fraternity and was the Programme Host and Master of Ceremony of 4th National Judicial Conference at the Marriott Hotel in Karachi in which the then Federal Law Minister, Barrister Farogh Nasim, was the chief guest and the Attorney General of Pakistan, Anwar Mansoor Khan, was the guest of honour.  

Inspiration for arts made her a self-taught artist, patronizing conservation of wildlife, harmonizing world cultures and heritage and with it promoting the soft-image of Pakistan to the world. Enthused by socializing with people from different countries, cultures and walks of life, her art-work is unique and creative in blending mythologies and national symbolism of the countries in art. 

As President of Rotary Club of Karachi Darakhshan, RI District 3271 during 2018-19, she was recipient of the Outstanding Services to the Cause of Rotary Award as well as Recognition of Performance District Support Rotary Award. 

Her artwork and columns have supported Rotary’s cause of protecting the environment. Some of her paintings pertain to abstract wildlife which cultivates eagerness for the prosperity of flora and fauna. Furthermore, she is a columnist on subjects relating to wildlife conservation and environmental protection. 

Her columns diligently create awareness about safeguarding the natural environment for a thriving ecosystem which plays an essential role for the harmonious coexistence of humans and wild animals; and, ecofriendly recreational activities. 

As an active Rotarian, Barrister Sarah has contributed to enhance the positive public image of Rotary International which remains committed to providing humanitarian services around the globe with magnanimous and high spirits.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Waqar Hashmi likely to become new KWSB chief

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi 

(Pakistan News & Features Services)
With the post of Managing Director of the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board (KWSB) having fallen vacant, the Sindh Government has started considering names of four officials for the lucrative posting as MD KWSB with Waqar Ahmed Hashmi, a Grade-20 officer working as Deputy Managing Director, being considered as the favourite. 

The names of the candidate for the new incumbent are under review at the Sindh Government level following the retirement of Farida Salam. Out of four names being given due consideration for the post, two officials are in Grade 20 while the remaining two are in Grade-19. 

The two Grade-19 officials are DMD Finance Rafiq Qureshi and Salahuddin who have started drumming their sources to clinch the coveted slot by hook or by crook. 

According to the sources, the name of Waqar Hashmi is being given top priority consideration keeping in view his capabilities and expertise besides his solid reputation of being an honest and committed officer throughout his career. He has vast experience of working at the KWSB in various cadres including Secretary Karachi Board, Principle Staff Officer, Director Revenue, Taxes and other important slots 

Meanwhile some of the former MDs of Water Board are learnt to have suggested those at the helm of affairs in Sindh Government about the name of Waqar Hashmi and pinpointed that being the most experienced officer he can play a pivotal role in resolving the water and sewerage problems of this ever sprawling city.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Digitization can reduce poverty, corruption: Former Estonian President

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi 

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

“If the willingness is there, states can transform themselves through the use of digital technology, significantly reducing levels of poverty and corruption and simplifying government services that are otherwise bureaucratic and time consuming.” 

This was the core message delivered in a special lecture by Toomas Hendrik Ilves, former president of Estonia (2006-2016). He is recognized for implementing bold and innovative policies that led the Baltic state to becoming a global leader in digital governance, especially in the areas of voting, banking, healthcare, transportation and education. 

The event was hosted by Aga Khan University (AKU) Information and Communications Technology division, led by Chief Information Officer Shaukat Ali Khan, and attended by prominent CIOs from other leading institutions in Pakistan at the as special guests. 

Following his presidency, the Estonian leader has actively worked to advance understanding of how technology can be used to improve lives and create a safer world. He co-chairs the Global Future Council on Blockchain Technology, which examines how blockchain technology can be used to enhance cybersecurity, and recently advised the World Health Organization on technological solutions to address the COVID-19 pandemic. 

President Ilves, who was speaking remotely, shared his experiences spearheading Estonia’s digital transformation. He built on his familiarity with coding to explore innovative solutions to overcome a highly inefficient bureaucracy. Using the example of registering a birth in Estonia, he described a colleague’s frustration at having to manually apply to numerous individual departments to register the birth of a child, a process that took weeks and involved significant frustration. 

Digitization meant that as soon as a child was born, the hospital would enter it into the system, after which it would instantaneously be shared with every other relevant department so records would automatically be updated, expediting the entire process with no involvement from the parent. This ethos to simplify the citizen experience has continued to the point that even to file taxes, citizens usually just verify forms readily filled by the government. Though this process can be quite cumbersome in most countries, it takes mere minutes today for most Estonians. 

Moreover, the former Estonian president emphasized the IT talent existing in Pakistan, highlighting that there were many brilliant Pakistanis working in Estonia’s IT sector. He also suggested building proprietary government systems, and shared that many of Estonia’s systems are open source and can be freely shared for the benefit of other nations. 

Answering questions from the audience as to how a nation with low GDP per capita and limited exposure to computers managed to digitize, President Ilves shared Estonia’s solution of creating computer centres for the public to come and utilize the machines with assistance, so they could engage with the new digital governance systems. He also indicated that the focus of digitization must be on the citizens, and what makes their lives easier, despite how tempting it is to initially pursue projects that make things easier for the government. 

As people notice and feel the benefits of digitization, there is a ‘halo effect’ which leads to greater adoption of other related digital services. Extolling the virtues and necessity of digitization, the President highlighted that Estonia only 30 years ago was a newly independent country with high levels of poverty and corruption. Today, it has a reputation as a digital leader with the most unicorns (companies valued above US$1 billion) per capita in Europe and the sixth lowest corruption levels in the world, a startling achievement. It is a transformation journey upon which any country can embark if the willingness exists. 

The AKU is engaged in its own transformation journey, as it implements a globally leading Electronic Health Records (EHR) system across its hospitals to enhance patient experience, care quality, and research capability. Shaukat Ali Khan thanked President Ilves for sharing his wisdom and experience with the audience, and expressed his gratitude to all the participants, as well as the University of Central Asia (UCA) and the CxO Global Forum, for helping make the event possible.

NLA officials sprint across Karachi libraries

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

The top officials of the National Library Association (NLA) recently undertook visits of some of the educational and research institutions of Karachi to obtain first-hand information about the libraries working. 

The NLA President, Syed Muzaffar Ali Shah, and its Secretary General, Anwar Hussain, managed to sprint across no less than half a dozen such establishments in a matter of just two days. They were warmly greeted by the working librarians and almost all of them pledged support to the cause of the Association. 

Bahria University, Karachi School of Business and Leadership, University of Karachi, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transportation, Sindh High Court and Dow University of Health Sciences were among the institutions visited by the NLA delegation.

“It was both a fact finding mission as well as a reunion. Besides learning about their latest engagements and activities, we also brainstormed about doing things for the further progress of our fellow library professionals. It was unanimously agreed that coordinated efforts were needed to bring about meaningful changes,” the NLA President remarked. 

“The NLA was appreciated for its proactive approach and we have been assured cooperation and support of various kinds by the institutions we visited. On our part we urged all the library professionals to contribute their bit in this movement in whatever way it was possible for them. We made them understand that every effort, minor or major, will go a long way in further strengthening the NLA and let us achieve our cherished goals,” Muzaffar Ali Shah concluded.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Railways to undertake ML-1 project in phases

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi 

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

Pakistan Railways has decided to take up ML-1 project, which was earlier to be carried out as a part of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), at its own and it will be completed in different phases 

This was disclosed by the CEO of Pakistan Railways, Farrukh Taimur Ghilzai, while addressing the officials of the Karachi Division during his latest visit. 

Earlier he held a meeting with the Divisional officers at the Divisional Superintendent Office upon arrival here from Lahore during his two-day tour of Karachi. 

Upon arrival at the Karachi Cantonment Station, the CEO was welcomed by the DS Karachi, Kashif Rasheed Yusufani, and other senior divisional officers. 

In the meeting, the CEO was given a detail briefing on the attainment of targets in Karachi Division during the current financial year. 

The CEO informed that the ML-1 project will be completed from Karachi to Hyderabad in the first phase to be followed from Hyderabad to Tando Adam and Tando Adam to Rohri in the second and Rohri to Khanpur in the third phase during which the tracks will be fully upgraded. 

The Railways chief shared that their organization was fully aware of the problems of travelling public and they have decided not to raise the railway fares despite fuel prices hike. 

He called upon the officials to serve the people with true dedication and honesty to bring improvement in the railway’s credibility and quality of public service. 

After presiding over the meeting at the DS Office, the Railways CEO also met Engr Nisar Memon, Chief of PRFTC Chief, obtaining first-hand information from him about goods trains. He later went around the South-Asia Pakistan Terminal where he was given a detailed briefing by the CEO of Hohisin Company, Capt Rashid Jamil.

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Railways authorities regret ghastly act

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi 

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

The Railways authorities have regretted the ghastly act of molesting a woman passenger who was travelling aboard the private sector Multan-Karachi Zakaraia Express whose contractor has been issued showcause notice. 

The CEO of the Pakistan Railways, Farrukh Taimur Ghilzai has reiterated that safety and security relating to travelling railway passengers would not be compromised at all as directives have been issued to contractors of private sector operating various trains to check recurrence of such disgraceful acts. It has also been decided that the credentials of all the private sector trains will be verified through concerned agencies. 

According to details, the molested woman had not reported the matter at Police Helpline Desk upon arrival at Karachi Cantonment Railway station. It was only after persuasion by DCO Karachi who, along with ladies police, visited the house of victim woman a day after the incident was reported in newspapers, on the directive of Divisional Superintendent, Kashif Rasheed Yusfani, the woman lodged a complaint to railway police. 

The DCO and ladies police had convinced the victim woman to report the matter after which railway police started raids and arrested the three nominated accused from Sumandari, Jahanian and Shorkot. 

A railway spokesman revealed that the victim woman, a resident of Orangi Town, was travelling in Multan-Karachi Zakaria Express, when one Zahid, ticket checker, offered her to travel in AC Compartment where train manager Aqib was already present. Both of them were accused of having molested the woman. 

When the train reached Karachi City Station, no one from woman’s family came to receive her as she kept waiting while sitting on a bench at the platform. A police constable on duty tried to inquire from her about her problem but she did not divulge anything. 

After sometime the railway lady police took her to police station help center and informed her sister Hina who later came to station alongwith husband and took her home. On this occasion the victim woman neither reported the incident not requested for any legal action. It was only after the incident appeared in the press, the DS Railways contacted her and requested to report the incident which she reported and got her statement

NLA ponders over street libraries chains

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi 

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

The National Library Association (NLA) has started pondering on establishing a chain of street libraries throughout the country and it has already shortlisted the sites which could be turned into places of learning. 

“We recognize the initiatives of a few individuals and organizations in relation of development street libraries in some parts of the country but we consider it just a drop in the ocean. We don’t need just one two or three street libraries but we require it in hundreds and thousands across the country to cater to the needs of the big population,” Syed Muzaffar Ali Shah, President, NLA, remarked after presiding over a couple of meetings in this regard in as many days. 

 The first meeting was held at the historic D J Science College in Karachi where the waiting area in the newly constructed site on Burns Road has been proposed by the NLA by for the development of a street library in the densely populated locality. 

It was followed by another midnight meeting hosted by the Syed Sultan Ali, Member, Executive Committee, NLA, who volunteered to look into the possibilities of establishing a street library in the lawn of his corner bungalow, located in Gulshan-e-Iqbal. 

Besides the NLA President, Muzaffar Ali Shah, the meeting was also attended by its Advisor, Syed Khalid Mahmood, and Secretary General, Anwar Hussain, who appreciated the spirit of fellow member Sultan Ali, who has actively participated in the other events as well.

The high energy of the NLA top functionaries augurs well for the community of librarians in the country which didn't have the kind of leaders needed to motivate and drive them.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

NLA establishing new tradition for book promotion

 By Abdul Qadir Qureshi

(Pakistan News & Features Services)

The National Library Association (NLA), which emerged on the horizon in 2017, is in the process of establishing a new healthy tradition for the genuine promotion of books as it encourages its members to bring books during its various events for its onward donation to the deserving institutions on the occasion. 

For its ceremony organized to celebrate the World Book and Copyright Day at the Junagadh Lawn on May 21, the NLA had highlighted in the invitation card that there will no registration fee for the event but every guest must bring along a book or two for donating the same to the Junagadh Library & Resource Centre. 

The NLA members and guests responded positively and there was a collection of more than one hundred books on different subjects which was gifted to the officials of the Junagadh Library & Resource Centre who gleefully accepted the package.

Similarly instead of giving away shields or momentoes to the dignitaries and guests of honour, the NLA presented books to the distinguished visitors gracing the ceremony, who thoroughly appreciated the move of the hosts.