Sindh Youth Minister, Syed Faisal Ali Sabzwari, inaugurated Taxation Training Programme being held as part of the Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Youth Development Programme (BBSYDP), here at the ICAP the other day.
The five-month Taxation Training Programme is being organized by the Sports & Youth Affairs department of the Government of Sindh with the collaboration of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP).
It’s the second programme in a series of three designed and developed by the department. Earlier they had launched the Insurance Training Programme last month while the third and final related to the field of banking will be getting underway in near future.
“Our department has arranged three programmes under the BBSYDP for the career development of the youngsters of the province. Two of them have already been inaugurated and the third one will be starting soon,” the Sindh Youth Minister remarked.
“The kind of taxation training you will be provided at this institution (ICAP) will help you in improving your skills greatly and you will be able to get a head start to the profession,” Faisal Sabzwari observed while addressing the participants.
“You are really fortunate to be able to receive training at such reputed institutions. In our time there was no such facility provided by the government to train us. Therefore you should avail this opportunity and make the most of it by taking your lessons seriously which will open a lot of career opportunities for you,” he added.
“Everyone talks of the youth being an asset. Our department takes the responsibility of grooming the youngsters and safeguarding their future. Not all the talented youngsters could move to Canada for greener pasture. We have to invest on our youth and provide them the desired infrastructure here to let them polish their skills and contribute to the betterment of the society,” the Minister said.
Faisal Sabzwari, himself an Alumni of ICAP, spoke highly of his Alma Mater and did not mince words in stating that the education and training he received at the institution went a long way in boosting his career.
“Under the able guidance of Youth Minister, our department has taken the initiative of joining hands with the leading institutions and organizations like the ICAP, the Institute of Bankers of Pakistan (IBP) and the Pakistan Insurance Institute (PII) to provide training to the youngsters in the field of insurance, taxation and banking as part of the BBSYDP,” he added.
Shoaib Siddiqui urged the youngsters to work hard and avail the opportunity of getting training at the reputed and renowned institutions like the ICAP.
The Sports & Youth Affairs department of the Government of Sindh will be providing stipend to all the participants with the outstation trainees to get additional allowance for their boarding and lodging during the five-month period.
Mr Abdul Rahim Suriya, President of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan and Mr Pervez Muslim also spoke to the participants. Deputy Project Director BBSYDP Mr Saleem Ahmed Siddiqui and council members of ICAP were also present on the occasion.