By Abdul Qadir Qureshi
News & Features Services)
The admission process, having started a couple of months
back at the Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology (SSUET), Karachi , is continuing
with the orientation ceremony planned to be held on January 16, 2014.
The admission test was held on November 24, 2013 and results
of admission seekers were announced on December 13 and the admission letters
were sent to the successful candidates soon afterwards.
There had been very good response for admission in three
newly introduced disciplines of Architecture, Software Engineering and
The University has already appointed faculties for the new
programs and according to a market survey there is high demand for those
passing out from these fields.
Earlier, the University’s Board of Governors had approved
the introduction of these three new programs in view of their high market
In view of introduction of new technologies and ever
increasing number of admission seekers in the existing disciplines of Computer,
Electronics, Civil, Telecommunication, Bio-Medical Engineering and Computer
science, the university has already undertaken an expansion project whereby
construction of a new block is going on speedily. Upon completion, the new
block will provide increased space for class rooms and laboratories.