
Monday, May 11, 2020

Hawaii endangered by unemployment

By Syed Sajid Aziz in USA
(Pakistan News & Features Services)

Hawaii, which used to be one of the topmost tourism destinations, is currently facing its highest unemployment rate ever due to strict stay-at-home orders and a virtual shutdown.

The state's once mighty tourism industry has nosedived already and the residents of Hawaii are under enormous pressure as they begin to run out of their savings to stay afloat. 

They are struggling to pay rent and feed their families as unemployment rate has soared from 3% to 34% which is one of the highest in the US. 

The coronavirus (COVID-19) has taken its toll here as the workers are being pushed out of their jobs in the absence of the tourists. 

"Our life is in danger because, of course, we don't know what will happen. There's no real hope for good things in the future," one of the affected locals bemoaned. 

According to reports, around 216,000 of the state's 660,000 workers were employed in jobs supported by tourism in 2019. Airline arrivals to Hawaii have slumped from more than 30,000 passengers per day to 756. 

Food service workers, who make up roughly 13% of all employees in the state and earn a median annual income of about $30,000, have lost wages as restaurants closed and hotels shuttered.